REITs for Dummies

Are you looking for exciting – but responsible – new investment opportunities that go beyond simple stocks and bonds?

In REITs For Dummies, celebrated investing lecturer and author Brad Thomas delivers an easy-to-understand guide to getting started with real estate investment trusts, also known as REITs. These flexible and lucrative investment tools package together individual properties so you can invest in land and buildings without the hassle of being a landlord.

The Intelligent REIT Investor Guide

In The Intelligent REIT Investor Guide, senior analyst and renowned real estate investment commentator, Brad Thomas, delivers a comprehensive exploration of equity REITs. Drawing on insights gleaned from over 30 years of industry analysis and commentary, Thomas explains the lucrative world of real estate investment trust investments, walking readers through the basic and advanced topics necessary to make profitable trading decisions with this asset class.

Brad’s Favorite Books

The Education of a Value Investor
by Guy Spier

Winning Investors Over
by Baruch Lev

Mastering The Market Cycle

by Howard Marks

Why Moats Matter
by Elizabeth Collins and Heather Brilliant

Dividends Still Don’t Lie
by Kelley Wright

The Interpretation Of Financial Statements

by Benjamin Graham

Security Analysis
by Benjamin Graham and David Dodd

The Millionaire Next Door
by Thomas Stanley and William Danko

The Most Important Thing
by Howard Marks

The Intelligent Investor
by Benjamin Graham

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